An Executive's Guide to Achieving Class A Business Excellence



Paperback Edition


Buch Details

Publisher: Oliver Wight EAME LLP

Paperback Edition: 100 pages

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1457519704

ISBN-13: 978-1457519703

Dimensions: 15.2 x 0.53 x 22.9 cm


Führungskräfte - und angehende Führungskräfte - stehen vor Herausforderungen durch zunehmende Vorschriften und aggressiven Wettbewerb sowie wirtschaftlichen Druck. Erhöhte Kosten für den Betrieb eines Unternehmens, schlechter Kundenservice, schlecht verwaltete Bestände und schwache Managementprozesse sind nur einige dieser Herausforderungen. Dieses neue Buch bietet Perspektiven, wie man diese Herausforderungen angehen kann, indem man die Transformationsfähigkeiten einiger der erfahrensten Coaches und Pädagogen von Oliver Wight nutzt.

This change management book, “An Executive’s Guide to Achieving Class A Business Excellence,” presents an explanation of improvement and change management processes which lead to increased sales revenue, improved cash flow, reduced costs, increased return on assets, and increased customer satisfaction. These robust integrated management processes allow business professionals to meet the demands of both customers and shareholders. This short (75 pages) guide offers answers to questions executives ask. The authors detail key principles on the path to Class A Business Excellence. They also describe some of the benefits of achieving Class A status, such as the ability of the executive team to focus on and execute their strategic plan, enhanced predictability and sustainability of results, and people working as natural, cross-functional teams.

Skillfully integrating people, processes, and tools can dramatically impact a business, but the people portion of the equation is the most important to arriving at the desired result, the authors write. In addition, gaining the support of senior executives to commit to the journey to Class A business excellence is the key predictor of success since the executives serve as both decision makers and role models for the rest of the company, driving change from the top. Based on thousands of discussions with executives, the queries posed in this question-and-answer format book aim to inspire others to learn more about the concepts behind Class A and the never-ending journey to strive for excellence.